TOTD: Animal House - English Girls

TOTD: Animal House - English Girls

Australian quartet Animal House were first brought to my attention when I watched The Michalaks weekly vlog and I was instantly captivated by the energy of the track. Definitely a feel good song, even if the lyrics are comical.

'English Girls' was released 6th November 2015, so amazingly its been around for a whole year and I am only just hearing about it. Don't be put off though, their debut EP "Sorry" is out on the 18th November which includes 'English girls' and addictive track 'Domino'.

5 Reasons Why I Hate Bonfire Night

5 Reasons Why I Hate Bonfire Night

Now before I start I don't want to sound like a super depressed person who looks at everything negatively. But it becomes more and more apparent that I don't like bonfire night or the 5th November. I have compiled a short list of the reasons why I feel this way.

1. I am alone. I feel like it's an unwritten rule that fireworks are to be enjoyed with loved ones and since I am single and not particularly close to my famil, I then to just be reminded that it's another year that I am alone. Shit that was depressing, sorry!

2. Cold. The 5th November is ALWAYS cold. So having to stand outside in the cold is not really my idea of fun. I remember going to watch fireworks with my parents having to wear hats, gloves and scarves, otherwise you would freeze. Nowadays I just sit in my car watching them with the heating on.

3. Boring. I can count on the back of my hand the amount of firework shows I have actually enjoyed. These of course, were very expensive to put on. The ones that go on near me are very simple and not really worth watching.

4. Bad for the environment. And dogs! Sorry to sound boring and all but seriously, I am happy to dog sit anyone who wants to go out!

5. Idiots. I think every year I discover how stupid people can be. One time me and my family were parked on a cliff next to these young people. They started letting fireworks off in-between our cars, then they starting messing about with them and let one off sideways, which actually went under their car! They found it hilarious so they wanted to do it again - at which point dad quickly made us leave. Do people not realise these things are dangerous?!

Wow this post makes me look miserable - I can assure you I'm not! 

What are your thoughts on bonfire night? 

TOTD: Cassava - Martha

TOTD: Cassava - Martha

Tuesday again, one less day to the weekend. I have discovered an absolute gem by 4-piece indie band Cassava. I'm not sure how I haven't ever heard of this band but I'm super glad I did. Their track 'Martha' just fills me with happiness. The whole song just feels very rock and roll, they're definitely a This Feeling kind of band.

With the Southampton band being recognised by BBC Introducing they are definitely ones to look out for. Their last show of the year comes right before New Year on 30th December and I can't help but think this will only grow their fanbase even bigger. They have had a good run of shows and festivals this year, which can only mean next year will be 10 times bigger and better.
