To My 20 Year Old Self | Response

To My 20 Year Old Self | Response

(If you haven't read the first post check it out here: To My 20 Year Old Self)

Dear old self, 

So I'm now 20 and it's safe to say after reading what I was doing at 18/19 I have definitely changed. 

You'll be glad to know I have actually got a better Job, I left the Lifeboat Cafe soon after you wrote the post for reasons we won't share. I then went to work at the Australian style cafe and when that closed I was lucky enough to get a job with the NHS although stupidly I don't think it's for me, hopefully I'll realise soon enough. 

I'm still struggling with friends, although not for the same reasons as last year. I have met some amazing peoeple over the past year and definitely realised who my good friends are. In the last post you told me to remember my 19th birthday, well my 20th has been 100 times worse! Those delightful people you invited out decided to stand you up but don't worry I don't intend on making an effort with any of them again.

I do still live on the Island but I have considered moving but at the moment I have other things I need to focus on (job, myself and family, you know what I mean). Although I have been to see Hannah-Mae and I've met a few people there, which is great! Although certain things have prevented me from having fun. 

I've finally learned to drive and an lucky enough to have a new car, although that Corsa is still on the drive!! I  did taxi some people but then people started taking advantage of me and thinking petrol doesn't cost anything so now I no longer do that. 

I have continued skating, well I gave it up towards the end of the year but recently started again but I'm not enjoying it like I was. But I am working so hard on my blog and music type stuff now so it's not all bad. 

Boys have completely gone and the only guys left in my life are my amazing friends. I know I sound like a whore but they are far less bitchy. 

I feel like I've learned a lot this past year, I went into really quiet boring Abbie quite a lot last year and thankfully I feel like I'm getting out of that now, I've realised not to take anything seriously. 

Wow that was a long one, I feel like it was complete rubbish but at least I stayed true to my word and made a response to it. 

Has anyone else done a post like this before? I'd really appreciate some feedback and tips. 


Abigale xo

My Week In Pictures | 24th May 2015

My Week In Pictures | 24th May 2015

Hello munchkins! How has your week been? I apologise mine has been pretty quiet due to some stuff going on, here's the photos I have in my phone gallery. 
I started the week with the most amazing Domino's.

 Have you tried these? Although I'm not sure if they're just English or not but they are so good.

 Anyone else just shove it up and leave it? One reason I shouldn't have long hair I guess. 

 This makes me happy. 

 So I got my hair dyed blonde, what to you think? 

 I love these two a lot. 

 My sister was so happy once she had a tan! I know she's really young and no she won't be having it done again for a while. 

I blame this song for my high expectations, I used to listen to Shania Twain religiously when I was small. 

 Hopefully by next week my hair will be fixed! Very thankful that the salon are going to correct it. 

So that's it, I'm going to leave you with one last message that we should all think about. 

If you enjoyed this don't forget to check out more abigalexo 
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter 

Abigale xo

19 questions about music | Music Tag

19 questions about music | Music Tag

Here's just a quick tag about music that I found online at some point in my life. Let me know if you have done this or a similar tag.

1. Which band/artist do you own most albums by? 
 This would be Mr Ed Sheeran, I currently own every album and EP he's ever released. Yeah I know that's sad but I think he's the only artist who is consistently good. 

2. What was the last song you listened to? 
 Jack Garratt - Worry. It's been out for a good few months now but I just love it, definitely one to check out if you haven't heard it already.

3. What's in your CD player right now? 
I don't own a CD player apart from the one in my car which I don't use that often but I think its an old Jessie J album.
4. What was the last show you attended? 
Does a festival count? If so it was Bestival (my absolute favourite!)

5. What was the greatest show you've ever been to? 
Again I'm going to say Bestival if that counts, I think the best artist I've seen there was Outkast or Rudimental I can't decide.

6. What's the worst show you've ever been to? 
I've not really been to one that's been shocking but I think the one person who mostly disappointed me was Annie Mac, I was led to believe that she was a really good DJ live but when I saw her at The Port at Bestival I was really disappointed.

7. Whats the most musically involved you have ever been? 
I can't say I've been very involved in anything, I know some musicians does that count?! Haha.

8. What show are you most looking forward to? 
Well I'm supposed to be going to Reading Festival so definitely that, but then I'm really looking forward to seeing Indiana in a few weeks.

9. What is your favourite band shirt?
I only have an Ed Sheeran shirt because I'm not a massive fan of wearing brands so that one I guess.

10. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? 
 Alex Turner, definitely.

11. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback?
I want Pink to come back, I know she still does a bit but I want the old Pink back, I used to love her so much. 

12. Who is one band/artist you’ve never seen live but always wanted to?
Beyonce hands down. 

13. Name four or more flawless albums:
James Bay - Chaos and the Calm
Ed Sheeran - +
Jake Bugg - Jake Bugg
Of Monsters and Men -My Head is an Animal 

14. How many music related DVDs do you own?
I think I own 2 or 3, clearly I don't watch them! Haha. 

15. How many concerts/shows have you been to, total?
9 or 10 I think, although I can't be 100% on that! 

16. Who have you seen the most live?
Rudimental or DJ Fresh. 

17. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Begin Again or Oliver Twist. 

18. What was your last musical “phase” before you wisened up?
I guess it would be my Ed Sheeran phase, I was completely in love with him (if you couldn't tell). 
19. What’s your “guilty pleasure” that you hate to admit to liking?
The Vamps, guilty. 
So that's it, your turn! 
Abigale xo

Ella Eyre - Together | Track Of The Week

Ella Eyre - Together | Track Of The Week

Just a quick one this week as I know it's already been released. 

Ultimate girl crush! Now I know I am being very bias about this song because I love Ella Eyre but it is uh-may-zing. Listening to this just reminds me of festival season and summer and all good things. 
This upbeat song definitely makes you want to dance and have fun. 

Go on make your day better and have a listen.

Abigale xo

My Week In Pictures | 17th May 2015

My Week In Pictures | 17th May 2015

This week due to personal reasons I haven't been able to do much so I'll just share a few photos from the past couple of weeks. 

Ignore my messy room but I just had to share my butt. Finally after months of trying to get a bigger bum, I am finally seeing results. Maybe it's just the trousers and to everyone else it probably doesn't even look that great. Haha! 

My new ombré hair! 

My birthday! I didn't have a badge so this is what my friend made.

Tall people problems.

How cute is this present!

The beautiful place I call home.

Birthday cake my friends made me, literally heart attack on a plate!

That's all really, sorry it was a bit all over the place. Hopefully next week MWIP will be back to normal. 

I'll leave you with the most amazing picture I've seen all week - Prince Harry being cute as! 

Abigale xo 

St Moriz | Fake Tan Review

St Moriz | Fake Tan Review

 Just a quick review, but for all you fake tanners out there. As I'm sure you are aware St Moriz has come into the beauty industry with a bang. It is one of the cheapest fake tans around with the price averaging of about £5 a bottle.

Me being obsessed with trying out DIY fake tans I had to give it a go, although I will admit I was very apprehensive about using a tan that is so cheap and has just come out of no where. It did take me a while to pluck up the courage to try it but after I had seen so many people praising it, I took the plunge. 

First off I tried the dark mouse and the coverage is amazing, it really does go on dark. I'm not sure if it's just me but I find that I usually have to put on 2 coats of tan before you really notice it, but with this 1 coat is more than enough. The amazing thing about it is if you don't like it, it washes straight off. 

I was in love with this product so much that I bought the mist because I find it much easier to apply. This was also AMAZING, I can't fault it for how well it covers. Maybe its just me but I find the mist lasts a lot longer than the mouse. It also smells a lot better than most tans!

If you're new to tanning or not very good at applying I would definitely recommend this, especially because its so cheap and so good. 

(Here is the difference from just one coat)
  • The most annoying thing about this is that it washes off quite easily, I have found that the mist seems to be more waterproof than the mouse. 
  • You have to be careful when wearing it on a night out, having a drink spilled down your leg does not go well with the mouse. If you had the mist on for a while usually its not that noticeable when it runs.
  • Let it dry properly before dressing. I put shoes straight on after applying it to my feet and the tan went green! Oops. 
  • The mist goes EVERYWHERE!!! Make sure you put towels or something around the area when you apply it, I made the mistake of just doing it in my room and its gone everywhere! Now I put an old bedsheet down when I apply it.
 Let me know if you've tried it or are going to? I'd love to know everyone's opinions. 

Thanks for reading! 

Abigale xo 

Willow Smith - F Q-C #7 | Track Of The Week

Willow Smith - F Q-C #7 | Track Of The Week

It was obvious Will Smith's children was always going successful but we never anticipated they would both have music careers. At the tender age of 9 years old, Willow has certainly entered the music scene with a bang by her very popular single Whip My Hair in 2010 which had the world looking like heavy metal rockers.

Now 5 years on, she is back with even more sass in her new single F Q-C #7. It's safe to say she is definitely not one to follow the trend with her unique make up throughout the video. Although the lyrics aren't very meaningful, the xylophone beat makes the song very unique and catchy. I can't help but think Willow is a young Rihanna, her voice and style strongly resembles the cool, laid back and rebellious attitude that the 27 year old singer has. 

Have a listen to the short song and let me know what you think.

Let me know what you think of these sort of posts. 

Abigale xo 

Culver cliff | Sunday walk

Culver cliff | Sunday walk

On Monday 4th May (May bank holiday) my mum and I went for a walk over some downs near to where I live, the walk was about 4 miles and I took a few photos so I thought I would share the beautiful place I live. And before anyone says that it isn't a Sunday walk, I know but I want all my walks to come under the same name. I apologise for the rubbish quality of the photos, they were taken on my iPhone 5S but they seem to have come out really bad on here. 

Stayed hydrated with some cucumber water, seriously don't knock it until you try it. 

My mum pretending to dive off the cliff, joker. 

(Apologies some are snapchats)

This was halfway up, safe to say I wouldn't do it everyday.

It's such a shame a it was gloomy day, but we made it to the top! 

Not quite trusting this monument haha!

Mum asked me to take a photo, then she goes and pulls this face!

And then she thought this was funny, I'm telling you she's a weirdo.

This is why I'm single.

Thanks fly for ruining my photo.

Down the other side of the cliff.

That's all the photos I took, I admit now I've written this post I do think its a bit rubbish but I'd like to be able to look back at this memory so I'm not bothered. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

If you have done a similar post let me know below and I'll check them out. 

Abigale xo 

5 things I want to do this summer | 2015

5 things I want to do this summer | 2015

(Throwback to last summer with the most amazing person. She has a blog too! Go here)

So I've decided as a way of motivating myself, I'm going to declare the things I want to have achieved by the end of the summer to the world. Why not join in and lets all try and make summer 2015 one to remember. (Apologies if it isn't summer where you are - although you don't need a season to get motivated). Here's what I'm going to try and do:

1 - Kick fitness' ass and get healthier
I know this is probably a typical one but I've been on and off with getting fit and now is the time that I really need to do something regularly and what a better hobby than one that is good for you! Also I think I have about 5 glasses of coke a week, I eat McDonald's like its going out of fashion and I know that these are no good for me in the long run. So by the end of summer I will have nailed this, easily. Maybe...

2 - Change my hairstyle
I feel like its time to change my appearance a little, nothing permanent because I change my mind way too much for anything like that. I have decided its time to change my hairstyle because I've had the same style for a while. At the moment all I'm thinking of dying it differently, I'm not sure if am ready to cut it all off just yet but I am getting very tempted. 

3 - Get my passport sorted
I keep on forgetting or getting distracted with other things so my passport keeps getting pushed back, I need to at least have the opportunity to go and see the world whenever I want. Going on holiday would be great but I feel like this year is the year for festivals. But yeah, someone pester me to sort it please. 

4 - Save money
I know this is going to be super hard, especially because I just love to shop, but I need to have some savings at least. I would quite like to move out of my parents house soon but obviously that all depends on my job situation at the end of the summer. I guess I just want to look in the bank and be able to see what I have earnt. I'm a shopaholic I know!

5  - Never turn down an opportunity
This soounds a bit silly but I have always turned down things because I can't be bothered or because I would rather do something I know - this has to stop. I need to say yes to more things and just try more, all the best memories I have are from me trying new things, I need to do more of this. Start living young, free and getting the most out of life. 

That's all from me, I might write a post at the end of the summer to reflect back on this post and see if I've achieved all my goals. I want this summer to be the year that I change my life for the better. I know, I cringed at that too. 

Thanks for coming back and supporting me!

Abigale xo 
