Willow Smith - F Q-C #7 | Track Of The Week

It was obvious Will Smith's children was always going successful but we never anticipated they would both have music careers. At the tender age of 9 years old, Willow has certainly entered the music scene with a bang by her very popular single Whip My Hair in 2010 which had the world looking like heavy metal rockers.

Now 5 years on, she is back with even more sass in her new single F Q-C #7. It's safe to say she is definitely not one to follow the trend with her unique make up throughout the video. Although the lyrics aren't very meaningful, the xylophone beat makes the song very unique and catchy. I can't help but think Willow is a young Rihanna, her voice and style strongly resembles the cool, laid back and rebellious attitude that the 27 year old singer has. 

Have a listen to the short song and let me know what you think.

Let me know what you think of these sort of posts. 

Abigale xo 

1 comment:

  1. I love how you describe her as a young Rihanna! I totally agree


