A lot of us won't admit we do a lot of these but I bet we're all guilty right? Let me know what you think.
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1. Can I get away with wearing that outfit again?
'I didn't do very much when I wore that so it won't smell?'
2. Putting make up on top of yesterdays makeup
Who actually takes it off the night before?!
3. Wearing trousers/long sleeves because you've not shaved.
'Whoops, my legs are starting to look like a cactus. Best wear trousers or tights.'
4. Never admit you're lazy
Me lazy?! No never!
5. Evening in? I must take enough food and drink to my bed or sofa so that I don't have to keep getting up.
Who wants to keep getting up!?
6. Can I get away with not washing my hair?
That awkward stage when its bordering greasy.
My problem is I'll look at my hair the night before and I think 'yep that can definitely wait until tomorrow evening' then I'll wake up and it'll be greasier than a chip frier! Anyone else have this problem?
7. I haven't decided what I'm going to wear today so I'll stay in bed for about 5 minutes while I decide
Maybe this one is just me but those extra 5 minutes make or break my day.
8. Leave EVERYTHING to the last minute
'So I've got all day to get ready which means no rushing around'
'I should have left and I haven't even started getting ready'
9. Never change your toe nail varnish
Who even looks at your feet that often?
10. Wearing the same bra for days on end
A bra doesn't get dirty as quick as all other clothes, obviously..
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Abigale xo
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