July 2015 | Monthly Goals

I'm going to try something new this month, inspired by alybubbles
I love the idea of setting myself constant goals so that I keep on progressing so why not publish it online so that it gives me a little more motivation to actually do it. 
At the beginning of each month I'll recap my previous months goals and set myself new ones. Are you brave enough to join me? Let me know on Twitter @AbbieeWade

Although I'm slightly late this month, my July goals are: 

Read another Harry Potter book. Over the past couple days I've found myself drifting off from reading, come on finish one more book! 

Clean my car, myself! At the moment its so dirty. I usually take it to a car wash but I'm trying to save money

Get back to work. Due to personal/medical reasons I've not been able to work and I'm so bored!

Workout a couple times each week. Easier said than done, days just fly past

  That's all I'm going to set myself this month, hopefully I will succeed. 
What are your goals

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Abigale xo


  1. You can check my goals at my blog. I write them every month. It's so good to find what others (you) planned for this month. Let me know how did it go! And yes workout can be quite hard to do but when you start you cannot wait till the next one! Find me at https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/igaberry-13323143 & www.igaberry.com Have a lovely day, Iga xxx

  2. Great idea to do! I similarly to you have been off work due to medical reasons and can't wait to go back! It's like a holiday to start with but it soon gets boring!


    1. That's been exactly the same with me! I really don't know how people can just not work! I'm going out of my mind haha x

  3. I think it's a great idea to set monthly goals :) I'm aiming to be consistent in my workouts and save more! x


    1. Thank you! I'm so rubbish at saving money! Haha xx

