2015 - Best Bits

2015 - Best Bits

What a year 2015 has been. Sadly 2015 hasn't been the best year, maybe I'll put that in another post. Here's some of the best memories I have. 

I was reunited with my childhood best friend (middle) and I met the lovely Tia (right) who I fancy massively. 

 My birthday was cool. It definitely taught me a lot! And I am no longer a teenager. 

I spent many hours in hair salons getting my hair dyed blonde. 

Favourite songs from 2015

Favourite songs from 2015

This year has been amazing when it comes to music. The charts have seen such a diverse range of genres and I love it. This post actually took me ages to write because this year I've loved A LOT of songs. I just know I have still forgotten loads but here's a list of my faves. 

(FYI I know not all of these were released in 2015.)

Guest Post | Alternative Christmas Playlist

Guest Post | Alternative Christmas Playlist

Hey, I’m Shannon! When I’m not pestering Abbie on Facebook Messenger with details of the abundance of weird things that happen in my life or perfecting a university deadline right up until the last minute, I write my own blog about new music over at: rock2therhythm.blogspot.co.uk. If you like indie and rock music then it might be your kind of thing, so feel free to check it out!
For now though I’ve curated an alternative Christmas playlist to get you in a festive mood but also offer a break from some of those Christmas classics which have been played maybe a little bit too much already…
I hope you enjoy it!

The xx – Last Christmas (Wham! Cover) 
For those wanting to have a chilled Christmas, this cover by The xx may be the perfect soundtrack. The atmospheric synths and soothing have become a trademark aspect of the trio when it comes to their own material, however this cover proves when applied to a Christmas classic, it still works. 

Julian Casablancas – I Wish It Was Christmas Today 
Mr Casablancas is the lead singer of indie rock outfit The Strokes. The New York band have influenced so many of today’s new rock bands, but back in 2009 the frontman decided to go it alone and record this Christmas cracker. 



8 favourite Christmas jumpers

8 favourite Christmas jumpers

Whilst I was buying some clothes online I noticed that there were loads of cool Christmas jumpers around this year, I thought I would do a quick post to show my favourites. They aren't in an order but if I could buy them all I definitely would. 

This is just the funniest Christmas jumper! Definitely one you'll only get away with this year though. 

I think this one is a little bit cheeky but I love it and I love Binky from MiC so of course I'm going to like her clothing. 

My first YouTube video! Eeeekkk

My first YouTube video! Eeeekkk

Today I uploaded my first YouTube video. I didn't want to put it on my blog straight away because I just wanted to see how it goes. Also I'm not entirely happy with it but it's a first video so I'm allowed right? 

Anyway check it out and let me know what you think! 

Get To Know Me Tag

Get To Know Me Tag

Who doesn't love a good tag! I was very kindly nominated by Hannah (hannahhawes.blogspot.co.uk) to do this tag, I definitely think you should take the time to go and check out her blog. I'm sure both me and her would appreciate it.
On with the tag!

1. Is your hair naturally straight or curly? 
Thankfully my hair has a natural wave so I'm quite lucky that I don't have to do anything to it for it to look ok. Although brushing it makes it super frizzy so I avoid that.

2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon? 
Well I went to a salon and look how it turned out!!
Yep, I ended up with bright orange hair and the worse ombre ever! Definitely not £150 worth! I have since done it at home and made it look 100% better! And for a fraction of the price. 

My Life Recently | 07.12.15

My Life Recently | 07.12.15

So we're back with my week in pictures style post but I've given it a little tweak. 

1. Loving Tan. So I have seen loads of people talking about it so I just had to try it out! Blog post to follow. 

2. PIZZA! This was amazing. I eat pizza about 2 times a week, yep I'll turn into one soon. 

My First Kiss...

My First Kiss...

I cringe a lot at my first kiss and my second and third and forth... You get the idea. I think the main reason I cringe so bad is because of the guys I chose. Here's a quick tip for those yet to experience their first kiss, don't do it with the first guy that wants you or in front of all your friends! 

A lot of people don't believe how unlucky I am with men. Seriously, 100% of the guys I have seen in my short 20 years on earth have been idiots. But I would like to add I am not a slut, I wish I could attract enough guys!

Can we just talk about Missguided for a sec?

Can we just talk about Missguided for a sec?

So recently I was looking through Missguided, for those who don't know it's an online clothes store - definitely worth checking out. Whilst I was browsing I noticed quite a few things that didn't really add up with the models so I thought I would share. 

Here's the first that caught my eye. She has legs to die for doesn't she!? Is that because she hasn't got knees? Can someone please explain to me why airbrushing out knees is now a thing? Perhaps it makes the legs look longer. I must remember to do that in future... Not! Also the shoe's look a little uncomfortable, I'm probably not going to buy those after looking at these pictures. 

10 things I want to start doing

10 things I want to start doing

For me the best way to achieve my goals is to post them online because then I hate having to say that I didn't do them. So here's a list of things I want to achieve at some point, maybe then I'll be the perfect woman and I'll be able to find a man. Haha, let's not get too carried away! 

  1. Drinking 2 litres of water per day - I know this may be a little hard to start with so perhaps start with a litre. 
  2. Exercise even a little bit - This is something I have become REALLY bad with, like I walk to and from my car and that's it. 
  3. Try not to have a takeaway a least 3 times a week! 
  4. Eating 3 meals a day - I always, forget to eat lunch or if I do it's usually about 4pm then I don't end up eating dinner. Yeah I'm pretty rubbish. 
  5. Be more positive
  6. Read more books
  7. Spend less time doing nothing - by doing nothing I mean scrolling though Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
  8. I want to be the sort of person I would want to hang around with - at the moment I have become really slack with everything and I am probably a rubbish friend. Yeah I want to work on that.
  9. Save money - this will always be on my list I think! No matter what I do I just CANNOT do this!! Tips are very welcome! 
  10. Blog regularly and stick at it! I'm so rubbish at sticking to blogging. I really want this place to work, besides I quite like it here. 
What would you like to start doing? What's stopping you from starting now? 

Am I a Belieber?!

Am I a Belieber?!

Can we just talk about Justin Bieber's new album?! Holy s**t it's amazing. Now I've never been a belieber or one of those people that despise Justin but now I think I'm in love. Not only has he grown into a hottie but his music has become something else! No more screaming Baby in a horrible squeaky voice. His music no longer sounds desperate and needy. Although I understand the lyrics are probably just as cringeworthy but then again, what chart music now a days aren't!?

I've been asked what's my favourite song on the album and I am proud to say I genuinely cannot decide - there are just too many! Love Yourself is a great one, plus it's motivating so that's a bonus (And Ed Sheeran was involved, my love). Mark My Words and I'll Show You are definitely amongst the best ones. Then again I love Purpose, Sorry and Get Used To It are great, oh and Life Is Worth Living! Can you see why I can't tell you how good it is? Does this mean I have to start calling myself a Belieber? I'm not sure if I'm ready for this kind of commitment just yet. 

It's also cute to hear that some of the songs from the album are about ex(Or is she?!) Selena Gomez. Now I feel like I fancy him a little bit more because he obviously does have a heart buried deep amongst his arrogance. 

Yeah, I have nothing else to say but go and listen to it! 

I adopted...

I adopted...

So if you haven't see my meet my new pets post you definitely should here. Now that you have you will know a few months ago I bought some guinea pigs. Since then they have been amazing and I love them. My parents always laugh at me because I'm always buying them stupid toys or blankets and basically treating them like humans.

Anyway one day I went to Pets at Home (which is a pet store, if you couldn't tell from the name). I was there looking for new cages for the guinea pigs because they have grown incredibly! So annoyingly they have the pets up for adoption right next to the cage. That's when we noticed the most adorable and fluffy rabbit! I didn't get her straight away, I went away to another store to get a cage then had to come back to get her.

She was up for adoption because she didn't get on with other rabbits, which was perfect for me because then I wouldn't feel guilty for her being left on her own. They believe she is only around 7 months old but they cannot be completely sure. Anyway, her name? It was Paula, now I don't really think that's a very good name for a rabbit. I changed it ever so slightly to Polly, I know it's supposed to be bad luck to change a name but I'm going to take that risk.

Anyway, I'm sure you all want to see her. But I would like to apologise because she is definitely camera shy!

5 good things this week

5 good things this week

With is being Sunday evening, I'm sure most of us are feeling pretty rubbish about work or school tomorrow. Well I know I am! Lets block out the negativity and take a look at the good things that are happening this week. Well for me, let me know yours.

1. Project Management course. Friday I will be attending a project management course that will make me a tiny step closer to my dream job!

2. I get paid. Hopefully I will be able to buy some more Christmas presents.

TAG | This or That?

TAG | This or That?

Here's a quick tag I found deep online somewhere. Well they're actually two that I merged together. Apologies I can't remember where I found them, if anyone knows please send me the link thanks! 

Anyway here's the questions:



Hello! Wow, it's been a while. I am definitely rubbish at sticking to my blog. This time I have taken some time off to think about what I want my blog to be, finding out a bit more about myself and what kind of message I want to put out on my blog. After blogging on and off for over a year I think I have finally found it.

I don't want my blog to be the same as everyone else's, I find that super boring and that's part of the reason why I don't read a lot of other blogs. So I have decided I want my blog to be a positive place for me, motivation for me, and somewhere to share memories for me. If anyone gets anything from reading my blog - that's great! But that's not why I'm doing it.

Sorry if that's not what you're looking for but that's what I feel I need to do. When I blog I love the commitment and idea of having to post, it makes my everyday like a lot more productive and I don't spend all evening watching Netflix or Now TV.

So yeah, lets see what blogging this time brings. Hopefully I'll stick to it but if I do, I do, and if I don't, I don't. I'm not going to pressure myself.

Have a nice day xxx



Blogging again? Your Opinions?

Blogging again? Your Opinions?

Hello! Its been a while!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Please hear me out.

5 Things I Want To Do This Summer | 2015 - UPDATE!

5 Things I Want To Do This Summer | 2015 - UPDATE!

So back in May I wrote a list of 5 things I wanted to achieve by the end of the summer. It's practically the end of the summer so lets see how well I did. If you didn't see the post read it here. 

1 - Kick fitness' ass and get healthier  Done
Well I would like to think I have done this, I mean I'm still not as fit as I would like to be but I'm better. I no longer drink 5 glasses of coke a week, I've changed to sparkling water. I aim to drink around 1/1.5 litres of water a day which is great, I feel much better for it too. I can now also run for an acceptable amount of time whereas before I would get tired after 1 minute. All marathons have to start somewhere right?!

Guest Post | Drugstore No Makeup Makeup Look

Guest Post | Drugstore No Makeup Makeup Look

Hello everyone! 

You may know me from my blog, A Sprinkle of Emily, and if you don’t then go and check out my blog at the end of this post! Today I am going to be sharing with you a natural makeup look that is perfect for the back to school season. I have made sure that this look is affordable, so all of the items mentioned are from the drugstore. :) 

Rimmel Stay Matte primer (£5.99)
I like to prime my face before I apply makeup, as it helps your makeup stay on all day. If you are wearing makeup for school it is especially important to prime your face as you may not have time to reapply your makeup throughout the day. I love the Rimmel Stay Matte primer as it really does keep your makeup on longer, and it acts almost like a glue for your foundation. 

Reviving Old Albums | Of Mice and Men - My Head is an Animal

Reviving Old Albums | Of Mice and Men - My Head is an Animal

Now this album came out in 2011 and I absolutely loved it. So did the UK when it got to number 3 in the UK charts, its now got a over 1 million sales worldwide. After listening to it on repeat for about a month, I never got bored - somehow I simply forgot about the album.  I have no idea how you can just forget a whole album/artist but I did.
It wasn't until I was on Spotify the other day listening to a Feel Good playlist that Little Talks came on and it reminded me of the uniquely amazing band that I once loved. Immediately I thought, I must share this with my blog so that I never forget it again, so here I am.

Guest Post | Exploring Vienna in One Day

Guest Post | Exploring Vienna in One Day

About the guest author

Hello, my name is Fiona and I had the honor of writing this guest post on Abbie’s blog.
I also have my own blog, called RecapWizard. This blog is like a map into a small part of my brain. My favourite thing ever is Netflix, so I write recaps and reviews about my favourite (or not so favourite) TV shows, films and books. And now to the actual post:

Vienna - a small city in the heart of Europe; in other words the capital city of Austria. A small, yet very beautiful place filled with things to do and explore. Maybe some of you have heard about Austria through famous names relevant to music, like Mozart, Haydn or Schubert. You also may know Austria because of people like Gustav Klimt, Maria Theresia, Falco or Arnold Schwarzenegger. It doesn’t really matter if you do or don’t know this little piece of paradise – you will get to explore some parts by reading this post. Have fun on this short “virtual tour” of Vienna, where I’m going to show you some of my favorite (and maybe not so touristy) places!

First stop: “Hundertwasserhaus”

Monthly Goals | September 2015

Monthly Goals | September 2015

How's August been for you? Maybe it's just me but August has flown by! Anyway, on with the post...

Last months goals
Work harder on my blog. I personally think I have done this, I've worked on it nearly everyday and I have loads of posts scheduled but I now feel like I need more. 

Try to do as much as possible. This I'm not fully satisfied with, I would like to try more at this because I feel like I could have achieved so much more during August. 

Visiting | Blackgang Chine

Visiting | Blackgang Chine

A couple of weeks ago my mum, dad, little sister, nephew and I went to a place called Blackgang Chine. For those of you who have no idea what it is, apparently its the UK's oldest amusement park. Basically its just full of loads of random attractions and a few small rides. I always used to go there as a child but as it's right on the edge of a continuously falling cliff a lot of it has gone or changed from when I went. Anyway, whilst I was there, I took loads of photos so I thought I would share them with you or my future self. Sorry they're only taken on my iPhone! 

Listen To | Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean

Listen To | Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean

Surprise, Justin Bieber has a new song and the online world has been raving about the it since the lyric video found its way online. Obviously Bieber has made a name for himself after Baby. He definitely divided opinions - like Marmite - love or hate him. I've never been a massive fan of Justin but recently he's definitely grown up and his music has taken a much more mature approach. 

The new song What Do You Mean? Is completely different from previous tracks. I mean the lyrics are still very similar and related to girls but it's not as irritating as previous tracks. Over the past couple of years he's taken his music in a different direction. For me it started with his 2013 track Confident which I found to be more hip hop and my sort of thing in comparison to his earlier stuff. I then got drawn to his voice after singing vocals on the chart topping Skrillex and Diplo song Where Are Ü Now - I also think this is where a lot of people realised he's not the 16 year old young girl heartthrob he used to be

Guest Post | About Princesses and Rebels

Guest Post | About Princesses and Rebels

Hello to all the beautiful people out there! I am Sally, nice to meet you. 

Before I start telling you all the details that no one wants to know - long story short: I have to do an internship in England: 6 weeks, 4 days a week, 10 hours a day. Sounds fun, right? Originally, I wanted to do it in a publishing house but that didn't work out because they wanted me to work there for either 2 weeks or 6 months and as you can see: that is nowhere near 6 weeks. I checked my professor's list of possible work experience places again and saw that social work is acceptable as well. Thanks to Google I found a Holiday Club for children, emailed them and they were happy to have me. I wish I would have been as excited as they were but I an not a patient person, so working with children has never been my dream. I was just glad that I finally found a place where I could work and therefore finish my university course. 

Rant | Being a successful blogger

Rant | Being a successful blogger

Hiya! I would like to just say before you read this, I do not mean to offend anybody. It's my blog so this is where I shall vent. If you don't agree with what I say then I would love to hear your opinions on this. Actually, even if you do agree, what are you opinions? 

For me I feel like all of the 'big' or 'successful' blogs (if that's what you call them) all have the same thing in common. They're all super trendy and have flash cameras, fashion bloggers have a PA on hand to take pictures of them at any point (slight over exaggeration I know) and they all seem to never have an issue with money. Hence why they always have the latest clothes, make up and accessories. Now maybe it's just me but when I get my hard earned money at the end of each month the last thing on my mind is buying the lasted things to brag about online. I will say, of course I buy myself things but I hardly ever blog about it.
Do these people have amazingly paid jobs? Obviously I know some get paid to blog but what about before that, did they all have loads of money to spare from the beginning. Maybe I'm the only one who has to pay bills and buy food, I highly doubt it.

My Week in Pictures | 23rd August 2015

My Week in Pictures | 23rd August 2015

Hiya! Its that time of the week again. How has your week been? 

Mine has been pretty good. I would like to apologise in advance for the cake photos. I've done loads of baking this week and I think I'm actually starting to get better at it! 

This is the view from my window, I never realised actually how pretty it is. Also I can't believe there are so amy trees! 

Guest Post | My Favourite Summer Trends

Guest Post | My Favourite Summer Trends

Trends, tendencies… During every season there are some pieces that stand from all the others. Those pieces that we find almost everywhere, on the streets, the stores, the internet…

Today I’m here to talk about my favorite trends of this summer. I have to say that during summer I love to wear bohemian outfits, the ones that reminds us of festivals and days on the beach.

C:\Users\Ana\Desktop\guest post\suede.png
This is probably my favourite trend of this summer. You can see it everywhere! Tops, jackets, skirts, shoes.. And also in different colours. Nude, camel, black, white, grey.. Seriously, I love this trend and mostly in bohemian outfits. It looks amaziiiiinggg!

Book Review | Charlotte Crosby - Me Me Me

Book Review | Charlotte Crosby - Me Me Me

For those of you who don't know who Charlotte Crosby is, I'm guessing you've sheltered your life away from Geordie Shore - I can't really say I blame you. She's the girl who still wee's herself at 25 and lost so much weight from a '3 minute belly blitz' workout DVD.  

My Week in Pictures | 16th August 2015

My Week in Pictures | 16th August 2015

Hiya lovelies! 
How has your week been? It feels like this week has gone so long! Just me? 

Anyway, this week I think I have done quite a lot of stuff but probably nothing that is very interesting for the blogging world. So here goes, my phone gallery from the past week... 

Starting YouTube?!?

Starting YouTube?!?

Hiya Lovelies! 
So after ALOT of thought and saying no, I've come to the road where I now want to ask you what you guys think about me starting a YouTube channel.  I mean I'm pretty scared about the whole thing and it might be really boring for you guys.  I'm not an interesting person so why would anyone want to watch videos of me!? 

Anyway, I'm still not 100% sure on what kind of content I would do but I've reached a point on my blog where I want more and for me I think maybe a couple videos might spice things up a bit.  What do you think? 

Throwback Thursday | Tesco Fancy Dress

Throwback Thursday | Tesco Fancy Dress

Hiya! So it's Thursday again! 

Listen To | Nola Wren - Venom

Listen To | Nola Wren - Venom

For those of you who don't know I love listening to new music. It makes sense that because I have a blog, that I occasionally share some new tracks I've found with the world. 

Do you like Haim, the girl pop rock trio from the US? I definitely think you need to give this track a listen, it reminds me a lot of some of their work but for me I find it more kick ass than Haim. I think I'm starting to love the electro-pop sound because for me this song just does it, even from the first listen.

My Week in Pictures | 9th August 2015

My Week in Pictures | 9th August 2015

Hiya! How are you doing this week? 

It's currently Sunday night and it's safe to say, this week has killed me. I am so tired and for some reason I keep waking up super early! 

I'd just like to say quick, I apologise for the lack of interesting photos this week. I know I said I have been busy but the things I've been doing weren't really picturable (is that a work. I think I just created it.)

Current Playlist | August 2015

Current Playlist | August 2015


So the other day I was looking back at old blog posts and I came across my current playlist posts. Who knows why I stopped them but here I am starting them up again.

I'm just going to write a list of the songs I am loving at the moment and then add a Spotify playlist below if you want to check out any of the tracks.

Guest Post | Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day

Guest Post | Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day

Hi, I'm Mike, and Abbie has kindly agreed to let me guest post on her blog today.

What I'm going to blog about is today.  If you're not aware, it's Friday, names after Frigg, the wife of Odin in Norse mythology.  Apparently 1,554 years ago the Roman Emperor Majorian was beheaded (I now feel bad, because until I searched for "August 7" on Wikipedia I didn't even know that there was a Roman Emperor called Majorian, and I'm sure if you said to the chap about 1,556 years ago "You know that you're currently ruling the Roman Empire?  In the future lots of people won't even know that you ever existed" it would have definitely dented his ego)

Monthly Goals | August 2015

Monthly Goals | August 2015

How's your month been? I think I've done quite a lot of my goals this month! Let's take a look...

My Week in Pictures | 2nd August 2015

My Week in Pictures | 2nd August 2015

Hiya! Well I'm back! How are you? 

Here's a collection of photos I have since I last posted a week in pictures so I think it's two weeks instead of one. 

The Love/Hate Tag

The Love/Hate Tag


I'm so excited to be doing this post!! I'd like to thank one of my favourite bloggers Along Came Molli for tagging me.
The love/hate tag is very simple - list 10 things you love and 10 things you hate. Then tag others, simple. Lets get started.

Throwback Thursday | My Sister

Throwback Thursday | My Sister

 Throwback this week is dedicated to my older sister, it's her birthday tomorrow. I think this was the first celeb we met (a guy from The Only Way is Essex) and it turns out he fancied my sister - hence why I look like a third wheel. This was probably the time that I realised that my sister was my best friend (cringe I know, sorry). 



I'm currently contemplating what I want to do with my blog.

Leave blog post suggestions in the comments.


Abigale xo

How it Began | Anxiety Diaries

How it Began | Anxiety Diaries

So I think it all really started when I discovered how two faced my friends were and how everyone was so self obsessed.  I've always been someone who cares more about friends than myself, hence why none of my friends used to know how I was actually feeling about things.  I've never been one to suffer from anxiety and  I only ever had panic attacks when I was sick.

Throwback Thursday | Where I Live

Throwback Thursday | Where I Live

I know this is pretty boring photo but to me it means quite a lot. 
I absolutely love this place and I'm so lucky to live on an island like this. I've shared some lovely walks with people along this beach. Also had some weird experiences, I think it's a nudest beach as me and my mum found out!

I just feel like some of the people who live on this island don't appreciate what beauty they have right on their doorstep. As I don't intend on being here all my life, I'm trying to fully appreciate it whilst I still can. Sorry for sounding really soppy! I'd really like to see some of the places that you guys live because I'm sure they all have something beautiful that you don't really think much of.

Feel free to share pictures with me on any of my links, or you can just share your blog for me to check out. 

Was this really a throwback? Haha sorry, I guess it's an old photo so that counts right?! 

If you enjoyed this post don't forget to check out more abigalexo 
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter 

Abigale xo

Track of the Week | Ella Eyre - Good Times

Track of the Week | Ella Eyre - Good Times

Hello lovelies! 

For those of you who don't know, I absolutely love Ella Eyre so of course she would be my track of the week at some point. This week is another motivational song and is out in a few weeks! It just makes me want to work hard and have a good time.

My Week in Pictures | 19th July 2015

My Week in Pictures | 19th July 2015

Hiya! How was your week? 
None has been pretty good, I've been so motivated all week. Although whilst I'm writing this is feel rubbish, hopefully I'll be better by the morning because I have work! 

Favourite Posts This Week | 18th July 2015

Favourite Posts This Week | 18th July 2015

Hiya! How are you? 
What a week it has been, I've read some great blog posts. Here are a few of my faves, sorry I couldn't do them all there were just too many! 

MY FIRST Q&A by AlongCameMolli | This girl and I have so much in common it's so weird! So of course she's one of my faves. + a cheeky little feature from me in there too!

FRIDAY FIVE by Dorkface | Such a good blog post idea. I love this, maybe because I'm super nosy.

WHAT I DO AT THE GYM by EmTalks | Sorry another one by EmTalks, can you tell she inspires me? As you may have seen from my monthly goals I want to keep up with the gym and working out so this is really motivating for me.

WISHLIST WEDNESDAY by StarkRavingChic | I love looking at other peoples wishlist. I'd quite like to do something like this. What do you think?

That's all for this week! What have been your favourites? 

Thanks for reading!

If you enjoyed this post don't forget to check out more abigalexo 
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter 

Abigale xo

Meet My New Pets

Meet My New Pets

So about 3 weeks ago I went and brought some new pets in hope that it'll keep me occupied. I wanted to introduce them on a completely different post because I have a ton of photos of them. 

Anyway, I went and brought 2 of the cutest guinea pigs! I thought about it for ages and finally managed to find the perfect ones for me. 

Introducing George and Percy!

Throwback Thursday | My First Bestival

Throwback Thursday | My First Bestival

My first ever Throwback Thursday on my blog has to be my first ever Bestival experience.
 Here's a picture of me on the phone with my sister and her fiance with a random lady in a hat and guy in a wig. I wish I took more photos of this weekend, sadly I didn't take any on my phone!

Track of the Week | Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me

Track of the Week | Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me

Now I know this song isn't at all new but after listening to it so much this week I am feeling so motivated. I guess the upbeat tune and catchy lyrics just put me in a happy place, which is a refreshing reminder that I want to be there all the time. 
Sorry I forgot to mention the song was Are You With Me by Lost Frequencies. I've not actually heard of any of their other stuff so it's definitely worth a listen if this song gives me such chills, yeah maybe that's what I'll do now.

My Week in Pictures | 12th July 2015

My Week in Pictures | 12th July 2015

Hiya! How's your week been? 
Mine has been ok, haven't got anything particularly important to report but I am feeling super motivated and determined to do well! Here's my gallery this week. 

This is how I blog brainstorm... I wonder how many sticky notes I've lost without realising! 

I went for a lovely walk with my mum. How lucky am I to live right next to this?! 

And this! 

Biggest jacket potato I've ever had! I'm obsessed. 

So happy with how my abs are coming along. 

I also went out with my uncle for some cake this week. These are my favourite. 

And this was our view. Although you can't actually tell it's right next to the sea. 

Absolutely love this photo, I had such a lovely walk up a cliff near me. 

Am I? What do you think? 

Sea picture again! Sorry I did this a lot this week if you couldn't tell haha. 

Here's my weekly selfie as per usual. 

How blonde is my hair now! Finally!! 

 I got to wear my raincoat again, yay! Ps. Ignore the mess, I was in a rush to get dressed so obviously I ruined my room. 

Ryde Slide! 

It was basically a 200m slide that had foam at the bottom. 

My niece is so vain! She always asks for photos haha, she's only 3! 

That's all from me this week! What have you been up to? 

If you enjoyed this post don't forget to check out more abigalexo 
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter 

Abigale xo
